
Sales & Lead Generation

Sales Support & Lead Generation Services

A successful sales strategy is the lifeblood of many organisations. We understand the importance of running an efficient and productive team to maximise sales results and minimise overheads. There are many labour intensive parts of the sales process that, whilst necessary, take away valuable time from your team. Your sales team should be out closing deals not buried in administrative duties, exhaustive lead generating and prospecting tasks.

Whether your company deals directly with businesses or you are looking to market to consumers, Outsource Philippines staff are equipped to handle your needs.

What can a Outdesk Sales Assistant do you for you?

Technology is constantly broadening the possibilities of what a Virtual Assistant can do.

  • Appointment Setting
  • Prospecting
  • Key Contact Research

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  • Lead Generation
  • Social Media Management
  • Account Management Duties

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  • Experienced in B2B& B2C markets
  • CRM & Data Management
  • Email Marketing

Why outsource your Sales Support & Lead Generation needs?


Always be selling

You hire salespeople because they are good at sales, so you want them to spend their time selling. Outdesk sales support staff can handle all the support tasks required to get your sales team in front prospective clients so they can spend their time doing what they do best.


Stop the burn, Support your team!

Sales burnout is a common occurrence in the sales profession and whilst there can be a variety of factors that cause this, If your team does not have the right tools to support performance or streamline their non-selling tasks, it can be an early indicator that burnout is inevitable. By outsourcing and automating as many of your sales teams processes as possible you will ensure that they meet deadlines, follow up with every lead appropriately, and close more deals in a shorter amount of time.

By decreasing administrative strain on your sales team, you will remove a major cause of burnout. 


Cost Effective

Outsourcing Sales support & lead generation tasks is a cost-effective way of boosting the productivity of your sales team. When your sales team is productive your business grows and becomes more profitable.

Outsourcing to the Philippines delivers a fantastic return on investment and with Outdesk we maximise your dollar spent down to the last cent.

There are several reasons why a company might choose to outsource its sales support and lead generation needs. First and foremost, outsourcing these tasks can help a company save time and resources that can be better spent on other areas of the business. Outsourcing allows a company to tap into the expertise and specialized knowledge of a third-party provider, rather than having to invest in training and developing in-house staff. Additionally, outsourcing can also provide access to a wider range of resources and tools, as well as a larger pool of potential leads, which can help a company to generate more sales and grow its business. Additionally, outsourcing can also help a company to be more flexible and agile, allowing it to quickly adapt to changes in the market and customer needs.


Outsourcing your sales support and lead generation needs can be a smart move for any business. By tapping into the expertise and specialized knowledge of a third-party provider, you can save time and resources that can be better spent on other areas of your business. Plus, outsourcing gives you access to a wider range of resources and tools, as well as a larger pool of potential leads, which can help you generate more sales and grow your business.

But that’s not all. Outsourcing can also help you be more flexible and agile, allowing you to quickly adapt to changes in the market and customer needs. This can be especially useful in today’s fast-paced business environment, where being able to respond quickly to changes can be the key to success.

Chat to our Australian-based team about outsourcing your sales support and lead generation needs. It could be just the boost your business needs to take it to the next level.

Lets Talk

Why choose Outdesk?

Keep your information secure

The leads, contacts and companies that make up a Sales database are valuable assets within a business. This information needs to be kept safe and secure. Good thing outdesk provides a secure purpose-built virtual desktop for all staff meaning your company data is only accessed by authorised individuals within the managed workspace.


Productive Platform

A productive sales team requires productive salespeople, the outdesk platform promotes efficient work practices whilst incorporating all the tools required to get the job done. The task & activity monitoring tools also make tracking KPI’s a synch.


Responsible Outsourcing

Outdesk retains skilled and motivated staff through industry-leading remuneration schemes, delivering the very best talent to our clients with the consistency and reliability required to get results. Staff are continually being upskilled to further build on their experience and knowledge.