
Responsible Outsourcing

“People don’t buy what you do; they buy why you do it.”

 – Simon Sinek                                 

Our Approach


Our approach to outsourcing goes beyond the typical narrative of cost reduction.

While our operations offer significant cost efficiencies, our primary focus is on fostering the growth and prosperity of the people who power our services—our employees.

We view each member of our staff not just as workers, but as highly valuable, professional partners who are integral and instrumental to our joint success.

Fair Wages, Fair Work

We commit to fair wage practices that exceed local minimums, ensuring our employees receive compensation that reflects their skills and dedication.

Empowerment Through Education

Continuous learning is at the heart of our operation. We invest in training programs that enhance our team’s capabilities, ensuring they remain at the forefront of industry advancements.

Sustainable Practices

Our operations are built on sustainable practices that support not just our workforce but the communities we operate in, fostering long-term development and growth.

Ethical Engagement

Every business decision at Outdesk is made with ethical considerations at the forefront, ensuring that our operations benefit all stakeholders, including our employees, clients, and their communities.

Work-Life Balance

We promote a healthy work-life balance by providing flexible working conditions and support systems that cater to the well-being of our staff.

Community Impact

Outdesk actively participates in community programs that contribute to the socio-economic development of the regions where our employees live, reinforcing our commitment to responsible business practices.

Commitment to Employee Welfare

Outdesk is steadfast in its commitment to ensuring that our team in the Philippines is not only well-compensated but also well-supported. We achieve this by providing industry-leading wages that surpass those offered by competitors. This not only aids in attracting the best talent but also in retaining these skilled professionals who are central to providing the high-quality service our clients expect. Moreover, our main focus as an employer is on the welfare and satisfaction of our staff.

If we look after them, they will look after you, and everybody wins. 


Enhanced Service Quality Through Fair Practices

By prioritising the well-being of our staff with higher wages, and a focus on engagement & support, we cultivate a workforce that is motivated and loyal. This directly translates into better service for our clients and a superior overall quality of life for our employees. Our remuneration packages lead the BPO industry in responsible outsourcing, making Outdesk a preferred employer for ambitious young professionals in the Philippines looking to advance their careers.


A Culture of Continuous Improvement

We believe that a job should be a gateway to future success. Outdesk encourages the continuous development of our workforce through comprehensive upskilling and training programs. This commitment to professional growth ensures that the improvement in our employees’ skills is a continual benefit passed directly to our clients, enhancing the quality and value of every interaction with our team.


Understanding Outsourcing Impact

Outsourcing, particularly to regions like the Philippines, is often associated with merely cutting costs. At Outdesk, however, we align our services with a vision of mutual growth. Every business engagement is an opportunity not just to save money but to make a positive impact. By employing talented individuals who are committed and hardworking, we ensure that our clients not only save money but also time, allowing them to focus more effectively on their core business activities.

Outdesk’s approach to responsible outsourcing is designed to redefine the standards of the industry. We take less profit to invest more in our people, ensuring that our service is not only a cost-effective solution but also a sustainable and ethical business practice. Our commitment to these principles has established us as a leader in the field, trusted by clients and cherished by employees