
Why choose the Philippines?

Outsourced staff in the age of remote work

Outsourcing business processes and remote staffing to the Philippines can be a great decision for businesses for several reasons.

One reason is the excellent English skills of many Filipinos. English is one of the official languages in the Philippines and is widely spoken and understood in the country. This means that communication with Philippine-based remote staff is likely to be smooth and efficient.

In addition, the education levels in the Philippines are generally high, with many Filipinos holding college degrees in a range of fields. This means that businesses can find highly qualified and skilled remote workers in the Philippines to help them with various tasks and projects.

The Philippines also has a strong history of outsourcing, with many businesses in the country already set up to support remote work and provide services to clients around the world. This means that businesses can tap into a well-established and experienced outsourcing market when working with Philippine-based remote staff.

Another advantage of outsourcing to the Philippines is the strong business culture of working remotely. Many Filipinos have been working remotely for decades, and the country has a well-developed infrastructure to support remote work. In contrast, much of the rest of the world has only recently begun to embrace remote work due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Finally, the Philippines also has incredibly fast internet speeds, which is essential for smooth and efficient remote work. This means that businesses can rely on Philippine-based remote staff to be able to work quickly and efficiently, without having to worry about connectivity issues.

Outsourcing business processes and remote staffing to the Philippines can be a great decision for businesses due to the excellent English skills of many Filipinos, high education levels, strong history of outsourcing, strong business culture of working remotely, and fast internet speeds.

We’ve been working with some of our Philippines-based staff for almost a decade and we love the working relationship we’ve got and the ease of work with a country so culturally ingrained with service and hard-work. 

As the world continues to embrace remote work culture and as businesses realise the cost savings and increased efficiencies that can come from a larger team working around the clock, we’re certainly excited to embrace this model and see where it takes us all over the next decades. 


If you’re looking for a qualified and vetted staff member with all the hard work of finding great staff done for you, get in touch!


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