
10 Steps to Succesfully Hiring Remote Talent

Ensure you find the perfect outsourced staff for your business


Outsourcing can be a great way for businesses to expand their capabilities and save costs, but finding the right outsourced staff member for your business can be a challenge. It’s important to ensure that you find a staff member who can help you achieve your business goals, and that aligns with your company’s values and culture. 


To find the perfect outsourced staff member, it’s important to conduct thorough research and due diligence. This may include reviewing the candidate’s qualifications, experience, and skills, and conducting interviews to get a sense of their work ethic and how they align with your company’s values. Checking references and reviewing previous work examples can also provide valuable insights into the candidate’s experience and reputation.


It’s also important to consider the candidate’s equipment setups, work history and education. This can help you to identify candidates who have the necessary qualifications and experience for the role, and who will be a good fit for your company.


Ultimately, finding the perfect outsourced staff member requires a thorough and thoughtful approach. By taking the time to conduct research and due diligence, you can increase your chances of finding a staff member who will help your business to achieve its goals and grow.



10 Steps to Successfully Recruiting and Assessing Remote Staff


    1. Define the Job Requirements
      The first step in finding the perfect outsourced staff member is to define the job requirements. This includes outlining the specific skills, qualifications, and experience that are required for the role, as well as the responsibilities and duties that the candidate will be expected to perform. Defining the job requirements will help you identify the type of candidate you are looking for and will make the recruitment process more efficient.

      This can be a simple list of tasks or responsibilities in bullet point format that you want to ensure your role covers, a previously used job description for the same or similar role, or we can help provide you with an example job description that you can edit according to the specific needs of the role.

      While remote staff can offer many skills and experience levels, it’s important that your job or role description is realistic and specific to just one or two roles or responsibilities in your organisation. Ask for too much and you will have a hard time finding a suitable candidate who fits all the requirements.


    1. Job Posting and Sourcing
      Once you have defined the job requirements and you’re satisfied that these cover the key responsibilities of the role(s), you can begin the process of posting the job and sourcing candidates.

      This can be done through a variety of channels such as job boards, online platforms, social media, and your own company’s website. This will help you to reach a wide pool of candidates, and increase the chances of finding the right candidate for the role.

      Outdesk sources candidates from a variety of job placements and ads as well as from our historical list of potential recruits over the last 5 years, looking for the perfect candidate to shortlist to you, who will fit the experience and expertise needed to do well in your role.


    1. Screening
      Once you have received applications, the next step is to screen the candidates. This involves reviewing resumes, cover letters, and other relevant documents, and identifying candidates who meet the minimum qualifications for the role. This will help you to narrow down the pool of candidates to those who are most likely to be a good fit for the role.

      When sourcing for candidates, we often receive from 10s to 100s of applications for certain job roles – depending on the complexity of the role and the skill sets available in The Philippines. Our expert recruitment team take care of all screening, assessing and vetting on your behalf and forward only the most qualified shortlist for your review.


    1. Considering Education and Work History
      While not always necessary, it’s worth considering the candidate’s education and work history as they can provide valuable insights into their qualifications and experience. This can help you to identify candidates who are a good fit for the role and who have the potential to excel in their position.

      Our recruitment team review all applications against the requirements of the job role as part of our candidate shortlisting process.


    1. Checking Equipment Setups
      Depending on the role, it may be essential to check that the candidate has the necessary equipment to do their job. For example, if they will be working remotely, they should have a reliable computer and internet connection. This will help you to identify candidates who are well-equipped to perform their job.

      You will receive a detailed review of any remote staff’s equipment, internet speeds, and so on to give you more information when making a decision.


    1. Checking References
      Another important step in the recruitment process is checking references. This will help you to get a sense of the candidate’s work history and reputation and will provide valuable insights into the candidate’s work ethic and performance in previous roles.


    1. Reviewing Portfolio or Previous Work Examples
      This step is particularly important for roles in creative fields such as design or writing. Reviewing portfolios or previous work examples can give you a sense of the candidate’s skills, experience, and style, and can help you to identify candidates who are a good fit for the role.

      Whilst not always possible, depending on the role, we seek portfolios and previous examples of work across a number of job types ie. Graphic Designs, Web Developers, Software Engineers, Content Writers. These examples are included with our endorsed shortlist that is sent to you to book interviews.


    1. Interviewing
      After you have screened the candidates, the next step is to conduct interviews. This is an important step in the recruitment process, as it allows you to get a sense of the candidate’s qualifications, experience, and work ethic. The interview process should be structured and should include a variety of questions that will help you to evaluate the candidate’s skills, experience, and fit.

      Preparation of interview questions, asking open questions about how your candidate handles certain situations, work history, whether you feel they would be a good culture fit and so on are all critical to the interview process. For more on this, you can check out one of our other blog posts: Interview Tips Help You Find the Perfect Staff for your Business.


    1. Administering Tests
      Depending on the role, it may be helpful to administer tests that assess the candidate’s skills and abilities. For example, if the role requires a high level of technical expertise, you may want to administer a coding test. This will help you to gauge the candidate’s level of proficiency in the relevant skills and technologies. We recommend providing something that doesn’t require a live environment and is usually more fundamental to the core job role.

      We also recommend this step, if required/desired, once you’ve had an interview and want to evaluate a candidate that bit further.


  1. Making a final decision
    After completing all the steps, you should have a good understanding of the candidates, their qualifications, and their fit for the role. The final step is to make a decision and select the best candidate for the role.

Follow these steps and you will quickly find a valuable asset to your business and a key player in your team.

Want us to help you with this process (whilst also handling more than half of these steps with an expert team of recruiters on the ground, in The Philippines)? Then get in touch. Our team in Australia will reach out and work through what you need and we can take it from there. 

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